CDL compliance measures [Sec. 2916, 2918, 2921, 2923-2925, 2930-2949, 2953, 2955, 2956, 9350 (1), 9450 (1)]
Act 28
CDL licensing requirement exception for law enforcement officers who operate commercial motor vehicles that are authorized emergency vehicles -
Act 254
DOT cannot issue an occupational license authorizing the operation of a commercial vehicle (remedial legislation)
Act 243
Drug violation re Uniform Controlled Substances Act: court or DOT may suspend motor vehicle operating privilege
Act 8
Electronic payment mechanisms for fees and deposits paid to DOT permitted; convenience fee authorized [Sec. 296, 307, 670, 671, 1933, 2851, 2993] -
Act 28
Employer notification program administered by DOT: employer may register employees with motor vehicle operating responsibilities but do not operate commercial motor vehicles
Act 326
Federal security verification mandate fee renamed ``license issuance fee" for operator's licenses and ``card issuance fee" for ID cards [Sec. 2922, 2960] -
Act 28
ID card for medical surrender of cancelled driver's license: no fee to be charged; DOT may order surrender of revoked license [Sec. 2950-2952, 2957-2959, 2961, 9350 (2), 9450 (2)]
Act 28
Judgments in municipal courts and traffic courts: payment in installments if defendant is unable to pay because of poverty; operating privilege suspension provisions
Act 17
Low-speed vehicles: operation on certain highways with speed limit of 35 mph or less permitted, exceptions and ordinance provision; neighborhood electric vehicle redefined as a low-speed vehicle and electric power requirement removed; forfeiture and demerit point provisions -
Act 311
Motor vehicle operating privileges: seizure of license by court or law enforcement modified; nonresident, reinstatement, and DOT provisions -
Act 103
OAR and OWS: penalties revised [Sec. 2954, 9350 (3)] -
Act 28
Operating privilege revocation for fourth offense OAR, OWS, or OWD: court-ordered revocation made permissive and DOT administrative revocation requirement eliminated
Act 102
Operator's licensing tests: DOT contract with third-party testers (law enforcement agencies) [Sec. 2216e, 2916b, 2917g, r, 2918m, 2962g, r] -
Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -
Act 100
Photographs on motor vehicle operators license and ID cards: DOT to make available to DOJ in digital format; DOJ to provide electronic access to certain law enforcement agencies
Act 167
Proof of financial responsibility: requirement that nonresident provide in order to reinstate suspended operating privilege or vehicle registration eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 245
Automotive oil filters, oil absorbent materials, and waste oil: disposal of used materials in landfills prohibited, exception provided -
Act 86
Bittering agent added to engine coolant and antifreeze required; exceptions, penalty, and civil liability immunity provisions -
Act 381
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from a child care provider; DCF duties, emergency rule, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report
Act 19
Child safety alarms in child care vehicles: certain effective dates re 2009 WisAct 19 modified [Sec. 3416g-j]
Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -
Act 100
Safety belt law primary enforcement authorized, forfeiture made mandatory; federal incentive grant provision; effective date clarified [Sec. 2991, 2992, 9150 (5c), (14q), 9350 (4), 9450 (6)-(7q)] -
Act 28
Failure-to-stop requirements expanded to include vehicle that departs a highway or certain premises; reporting requirement and owner liability provisions -
Act 62
Special registration plates for vehicles leased to person with a disability that limits the ability to walk: redundant provision repealed (remedial legislation) -
Act 246
Renewable and alternative fuels: OEI to promote use of in state owned and operated vehicles -
Act 401
Bicycle and EPAMD distance from parked vehicle requirement limited to school bus or motor bus, audible signal when passing deleted; opening motor vehicle door on a highway without checking traffic first prohibited, passengers under age 16 and forfeiture provisions -
Act 22
Electronic text or mail message: driving while composing or sending prohibited; exceptions, penalty, and driver education course provisions -
Act 220
Emission inspection and maintenance program revision re who is allowed to perform; temporary vehicle emission inspection exemptions permitted -
Act 228
Failure-to-stop requirements expanded to include vehicle that departs a highway or certain premises; reporting requirement and owner liability provisions -
Act 62
Farmland preservation district exemption specified re conditional use permits for transportation facilities used in vehicle emission program [Sec. 1918gq, 1947]
Act 28
Law enforcement training re cultural diversity and sensitivity toward racial and ethnic differences required [Sec. 2450, 9430 (1)] -
Act 28
Lightweight utility vehicle: limited-purpose operation on highways allowed, pilot program provision
Act 157
Police escorted vehicle or procession of vehicles: provisions created; rights-of-way penalty specified
Act 46
Private roads within manufactured and mobile home communities: private owner may enter into agreement with municipality or county re traffic regulation enforcement
Act 129
Railroad crossing: distance vehicle is required to stop modified
Act 65
Safety belt law primary enforcement authorized, forfeiture made mandatory; federal incentive grant provision; effective date clarified [Sec. 2991, 2992, 9150 (5c), (14q), 9350 (4), 9450 (6)-(7q)] -
Act 28
Snowplow: prohibition created on following closer than 75 feet on highways with speed limit 35 mph or less, penalty provision -
Act 255
Traffic stop information collection and analysis requirements created; DOA, OJA, and JCF duties; data analysis re disproportionate number of vehicle stops and searches involving racial minorities; report required [Sec. 158m, 577-577s, 2993t, 9101 (11y), (12x)] -
Act 28
U-turn at intersection controlled by traffic control signal allowed; passing a left-turning vehicle on the right by use of a paved shoulder permitted -
Act 97
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: sunset on speed limit repealed; exception for sanctioned race or derby -
Act 389
``Celebrate Children" special registration plate annual fee increased -
Act 340
Electronic payment mechanisms for fees and deposits paid to DOT permitted; convenience fee authorized [Sec. 296, 307, 670, 671, 1933, 2851, 2993] -
Act 28
Endangered resources registration plate: second design allowed, fees and criteria set; plate to be purchased from Minnesota (re flat-plate technology); Corr.Dept to produce if using same technology [Sec. 266, 668, 674, 2811, 2815, 2818, 2820, 2821, 2824, 9450 (4)] -
Act 28
Former military vehicle may be registered as special interest vehicle, definition provision -
Act 225
Historic military vehicle registration: provisions re former military vehicles created; DOT, fees, and definition provisions -
Act 135
Proof of financial responsibility: requirement that nonresident provide in order to reinstate suspended operating privilege or vehicle registration eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 245
Rebasing registration plates: DOT to determine intervals for redesign and reissuance [Sec. 2796-2798]
Act 28
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -
Act 118
Special distinguishing registration plate created for women veterans; fee and Veterans Trust Fund provisions
Act 230
Special distinguishing registration plates created for persons supporting motorcycle safety; fees, Harley-Davidson logo and licensing rights, and DOT provisions
Act 226
Special distinguishing registration plates created for professional baseball team using facilities in a Professional Baseball Park District; funds used to retire Park District debt [Sec. 298, 304, 630, 675, 1857, 1857d, 2810, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2822, 2823, 2826, 9150 (3), 9443 (14x)] -
Act 28
Special distinguishing registration plates created re Lions Clubs of Wisconsin; fees, logo, and license or approval provisions -
Act 224
Special distinguishing registration plates created to express support for Marquette University, fee and implementation costs provisions -
Act 159
Special distinguishing registration plates re national guard: decal available for members, or former members, of units identified by DMA by rule; fee provision
Act 195
Special registration plates for vehicles leased to person with a disability that limits the ability to walk: redundant provision repealed (remedial legislation) -
Act 246
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset eliminated [Sec. 2899]
Act 28
Vehicle fleet registration: optional three-year period permitted; fee and data processing cost provisions [Sec. 669d, 1927d, 2874t, 9150 (9u), 9450 (14v)] -
Act 28
Special distinguishing registration plates created for persons supporting motorcycle safety; fees, Harley-Davidson logo and licensing rights, and DOT provisions
Act 226
Life and military service commended [AJR-104] - JR-25
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurant on a golf course in Bayfield County, fee and special provisions applied -
Act 73
Conduit revenue bonds: two or more political subdivisions authorized to create a commission to issue; AG duties; WHEDA and WHEFA bonds re affordable or elderly housing projects or health facility information technology projects provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 205
ERTID tax increments applied to another ERTID created by the same political subdivision authorized, conditions specified -
Act 66
Law enforcement investigative records: information technology unit must deny requests for access, custody remains with the local governmental unit; law enforcement agency that shares information with OJA is considered the custodian of the information -
Act 259
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower -
Act 186
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